Friday, August 18, 2006

Hail Mary

Workers at a California chocolate company have discovered a 2-inch-tall (5-centimeter-tall) column of chocolate drippings that they believe bears a striking resemblance to traditional depictions of the Virgin Mary. Since the discovery of the drippings under a vat on Monday, employees of Bodega Chocolates have spent much of their time hovering over the tiny figure, praying and placing rose petals and candles around it.

First an overflow of Elvises and now this! Why does this never happen to me? I do want a sighting, a vision, a velvet painting that cries and yet hard as I try, the miracles never seem to come my way. I try not to be bitter. I try to stay upbeat, look on the positive side of things but then life throws one cruel blow after another and I am forced to wonder "why me?" Maybe it's time to buy an Anthony Robbins book...

25 minutes later...

What an unexpectedly exciting day this has turned out to be. Here I was, typing away on my little computer when the sounds of sirens filled the air. Not an unusual thing living in the center of the city, but what did make it unusual was that the sirens stopped as soon as they got under my window. I look outside, and across the street is a massive group of people looking toward my building and the collection of firetrucks (complete with required dishy firemen) in front of my house. I reached for my chocolate drippings only to find that I had none and hurried across the street to see what all the commotion was about. I had visions of watching my flat go up in flames which is never a ncie way to spend time on a Friday afternoon. I ended up standing next to a guy in a kilt and suddenly I felt horribly underdressed, but never really sure what one should wear to a fire. It appeared to be nothing major and soon the trucks were packing up and leaving, taking the dishy firemen with them...

I need to start back at the gym soon, but frankly I am bit scared. All that stuff about sports drinks being used to bring down airplanes is just too much. I now wonder what happens if I shake mine to vigorously... Perhaps I will eat the wrong fruit causing an irreverisble chemical reaction. Not sure if I want to take that risk. What good are great biceps if your arms end up in the other room? Perhaps I should just go back for another waxing...

Well, I am off to buy some chocolate to see if I can make a miracle happen...

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